May 2020
Well… we’re in the centre of spring with summer just around the corner. I hope you’re safe and well during this Covid pandemic we’re dealing with. I think I’d prefer “Corona”…at least that way I could help drink it away!! Gluten free! Just sayin’. To all our front line workers. THANK-YOU!! ❤
We just released a new single “Hell No”. I wrote this song with my pal Carrie DeMaeyer. It’s the 3rd release from the upcoming CD “The Secret To Life”, to be released later this summer.
Katy added a new member to our family (Zennon). I am officially a grandfather. I’ve been joking that maybe I could be referred to as Big J instead of grampa. 🙂
I suspect it may be a while before you attend a concert in person, but don’t worry, we’ll find a way to perform for you. Hey if it’s virtual for a while, what the heck. Things will correct. I promise!! Stay safe!
Take care,